IXP Tracker

An Internet exchange point (IXP) is a physical place, sometimes inside a data center, where different networks send traffic to one another. This is known as peering, and is how one network operator can send data from their network to another, without having to pay. Peering is part of what makes Internet services faster, more reliable, and cheaper. IXPs are vital nodes in the peering ecosystem, and an important part of the global Internet.

Les points d'échange Internet actifs

Nombre total d'IXP en activité dans le monde, en date de Septembre 2024.

1 109
IXP activos a escala global

Ces données sont mises à jour mensuellement à l'aide des données de PeeringDB.

1 334 464 Gbps
Capacité mondiale totale des IXP

Croissance de la capacité IXP au fil du temps

Le total mondial des IXP au fil du temps présenté, ainsi que la croissance de la capacité combinée offerte par les IXP du monde.

Top 10 des pays par couverture IXP

Les utilisateurs Internet de ces pays ont la proportion la plus élevée d'accès à leur Internet local via les IXP.

Internet Exchange Points and the power of peering

Internet exchange points (IXPs) are physical locations where different networks can send traffic to one another, serving as a kind of "traffic circle" for the data that flows through them. So, rather than a network having to go all the way back to its own hub, which might be located halfway across the world, it can use another network to move the data. The networks mutually agree not to charge any money for this, since everyone using the IXP benefits.

This practice, known as peering, reduces latency, lowers costs, and makes connections more reliable. Peering means there is a larger number of routes for data traffic to travel on, which makes the whole network more resistant to problems in international connectivity. All of this can improve access and support economic growth.

IXPs are a vital part of a strong peering ecosystem, and they help to make the Internet more resilient.